Sunday, April 22, 2012


So much personnality, one little person xox
I am a french canadian with two little girls to whom i speak solely french since they are slowly learning english through osmosis with the help of our modern and anglophone world. There is nothing cuter then a francophone child trying to speak english with its strong accent. More and more, my daughters come up with english sayings.  This morning happens to be one of those times. It happens about two minutes before crunch time to leave. Somehow my picky eater got a sneak peak of her lunch and withen seconds, her entire mood changed to foul. How dare her mother give her a craft single cheese slice sandwich. I now had to make a quick decision. 1) Raise my daughter properly and tell her she shouldn't complain especially when there are soo many starving children in the world and hope that she will learn to accept her lunches "as is" in the futur (but deal with a very time consuming tantrum) or 2) take the "chose my battles route" and be suckered into this situation time and time again for not being consistant with my decision. Well of course i took the i don't have time for this sh** route when I have to be in the car with child in 2 minutes. So i resentfully openned the fridge, my only quick choices were honey or jam. She swapped back and forth and finally opted for jam. As I am trying to stay calm, as to not set her off in a fit, she starts giggling and tells me the children at day care call jam glood. Did I hear correctly, glood? Are they creative or just annoying? As she repeats it a few times, I realize she is probably mispronouncing the word they are saying. I wrack my brain until it dawns on me, blood, they call jam blood.



  1. Freaking hilarious! I love franglais!! It happens a lot in our house too. Today, papa are the birds eating grens? (graines) haha! I love it! Which picky eater, your big girl or your little girl? I also love the 'i don't have time for this shit' route because we all go there once in a while. ;p
