Friday, April 27, 2012

Cappuccino part 1

My husband loves coffee. He was always trying different beans, grinds, brands, slow drip, fast drip, percolated, strong, weak, sweat, creamy, black etc... Then came christmas time, we had an awesome family get together with uncles and cousins as always. We are a meat and potatoes type family. Very plain but full of life and love.  My dad and his three brothers, former school principles, don't leave the kids behind. Many short but fun coordination games were organized with a points chart, stickers and prizes. We also had to endure a very long power point of our belgian ancestors and the story about how they settled in Canada. Good thing one of my cousin's husband added a new ritual to the family Christmas party. The cappuccino machine. Just what we needed for a pick me up after learning that one of my great, great aunts had a few husbands, even quite possibly at once. Cappuccino is foreign to my dad and his bros. They don't like trying new things. Heck, one of my uncle's doesn't eat vegetables, not even ketchup. He still eats hamburgers meat and bun only. He has sworn off peas since the age of three due to being forced to eat them. The only spice in their diet is salt and pepper. I could just imagine the queer look, expression on my dad's face when cappuccino was being passed around.   Anyways, my husband was thrilled. He was like a kid in a candy shop. He watched attentively B push buttons, froth milk and pour into mugs.  Salivating, he took his first sip, and was transported to heaven. Now, for anyone who knows my husband, he's an interrogator. He asked every possible question on this machine.  When we finally left the party, my hubby had a twinkle in his eye and a bounce in his step.  I knew what this meant.  Intense research on google cappuccino makers for the next month.

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