Monday, April 16, 2012

dirt patch

So i find myself lately outside in what is suppose to be a flower garden in front of my new (old) house that we moved into October 31st. I never really gardened before but thought i should give it a go. Actually, i was just annoyed by the weeds. So i started weeding. Who would of thunk there is such gratification in weeding. Its like picking your nose.  Always so satisfying when you get a good one.  So here i am knee deep in dirt enjoying unearthing those really long roots. I am getting rid of weeds, and pebbles and broken stones as well. To be honest, i'm not sure if they actually are weeds or potential perannuals. My neighbour actually told me at one point that she would take the tulips if i was just going to throw them out. So i had to re plant a few of those cause by what she was telling me, they are quite beautiful and are named hot lips or something of the sorts. Anyways, all this to say that i had a strange realization as i came in for water.  Not only was i obsessed about clearing this spot of soil from weeds and other debris, but i am loving this rich, earthy fresh look so much, that i should leave it bare.  Like that I can breathe easy every time I look at it and be proud of my thorow work. Why go and add flowers and plants, which i am not a fan of in the first place since they make my eyes water and also make me sneeze louder then a Hummers horn. I don't like pretty, i like clean and simple. That`s right folks, i will have the nicest patch of dirt around.  Dirt gardens...Why not.


1 comment:

  1. I love it! Dirt patch gardens are the best. I am super excited to that you started doing this and I can't wait to see it progress!
