Saturday, May 5, 2012


Today's post is not my usual style. The style is more like those lame forwards that take up two minutes of your life that you will never get back and delete as quickly as possible. I simply caught myself comparing my present life to my pre-married life yesterday while running a Home Depot errend and felt like putting it down in words.

Friday at 20 years of age VS 30 some years of age:

6:45 am
-Wake up excited to find out what the best evening plans are going to be
-Roll out of bed motivated solely by the fact that you can hit the sack in 14 hours     

10:00 am
-Are giddy throughout the day cause plans are getting better and better
-Are yawning 

5:00 pm
-Go home to take a quick nap before supper to recharge for a late night
- Put a frozen pizza in the oven and pour yourself a stiff drink

7:00 pm
- taking a shower followed by hair and makeup
- At home depot picking up rental tools and materials for the next days renovations or yard work

8:30 pm
Try 5 different outfits and high heels
Slip into your pyjamas

11:00 pm
Crying over a sappy movie wich you now have feelings for the main character and are covered in chip crumbs

2:30 am
awake in someone's arms
asleep in someone's arm


1 comment:

  1. I laughed out loud at this post because it is true.This is what my and Rick's lives have become too. Ugh. I used to be so cool and with it and now.... not so much. I published a link from my blog to yours with this post because it deserved to be seen by all 5 people that read my blog. Haha!!!!
